
The tramway must be given the right of way. When no streetcar is approaching, left-turners may use the streetcar’s lane to enter the lane.

Stopping closer than 10 m in front of and after public transport stops is only permitted for the purpose of letting people on and off the tram; public transport must not be obstructed.

At public transport stops, any stopping on the adjacent sidewalk is prohibited.

Passage between stop islands is permitted when there is no streetcar there or approaching; special consideration must be given to pedestrians

Vehicles are not allowed to stop on the tram track and not closer than 1.50 m from the nearest rail. When waiting behind the stopped streetcar, a distance of at least 2 m must be left free.

If, at stops without a protective island, the passengers of a streetcar or tramway have to alight on the side of the traffic, the vehicles running on the same half of the road shall stop until the passengers have cleared the roadway.


The stopping streetcar may be crossed and overtaken only at slow speed. It is overtaken on the right where there is a protective island, otherwise only on the left.

The signal “Overtaking prohibited” forbids drivers of motor vehicles to overtake multi-lane moving motor vehicles and streetcars.

It is allowed to pass streetcars on the right.

The streetcar, which does not run on the roadside, may be overtaken on the left only where there is no street
and if any obstruction of the oncoming traffic is excluded.

The moving streetcar is overtaken on the right. If this is not possible, it may be overtaken on the left.

If the streetcar is moving on the left, the driver of the vehicle moving in the same direction must leave enough space for the oncoming traffic to give way on the left.

If necessary, the driver must give way to the left if a streetcar is coming towards him on the right-hand side of the road.

If the streetcar is driving on the side road, it must give way to the vehicles on the main road.

The signal “tramway” warns of tramways, in particular of crossings with
streetcars in built-up areas.

Out of town crossings with streetcars are signaled as level crossings.

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