
Any change of direction must be announced in good time with the direction indicator or by clear hand signals

The driver of the vehicle must announce all changes of direction, including turning to the right. Even the cyclist who swings out to overtake another has to indicate this

The direction indicator must be operated when: Lane changing, lane changing and turning Overtaking and turning.
Inserting a vehicle into the traffic and stopping at the side of the road

The driver does not have to indicate the direction when entering the traffic circle and, if there is no lane change, when driving in the circle. Leaving the circle must be indicated

If, due to the size of his vehicle or local conditions, the driver has to pull out to the opposite side to turn right, he must indicate this (first turn left, then right).

The direction indicator must also be activated when the vehicle is following a main road that changes direction.

Signalling must be stopped immediately after the change of direction. Cyclists can stop signaling already during the change of direction

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